Phonics 自然發音的重要性!4
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相關連結:https://shaneschools.com/en/teaching-phonics-acting-out-soun ...

Teaching Phonics: Acting Out Sounds


Teaching phonics can be more than just drilling. While flashcards and charts of sounds have their places, sometimes it helps students to get up out of their seats and move around a bit.


Teaching phonics gets a lot easier with some variety. It’s possible to put down the flashcards and worksheets for a bit and get moving. Total physical response (TPR) is a useful teaching method, especially among young EFL learners who may not have solid language skills yet. As the name suggests, TPR involves getting connecting language to a physical movement. For students who learn by looking and listening, this is a welcome change of pace that adds a little excitement to lessons. Acting out lessons also gives kinesthetic learners a chance to shine.

自然發音的教學因多樣化的種類而變得更容易,可以暫時不用單字閃卡以及單字表就能持續下去。TPR(Total Physical Response,即所謂的完全肢體反應教學法)是有效的教學方式,尤其是對於尚未具備紮實的語言技能的年輕EFL學習者而言,顧名思義,TPR會影響語言與肢體動作的連結。對於通過觀察和聆聽來學習的學生,這是一個令人愉悅的步調變化,讓課程更加有趣。實施課程也使動覺學習者有機會大放異彩。

The table below gives suggested TPR for teaching all of the forty-two sounds of the English language.  These are suggestions only: there is no right or wrong action for each sound, and teachers may come up with more appropriate and effective actions themselves. Even better, you could have students come up with their own actions.
