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學測英文該如何準備?讓過來人教你如何馳騁考場~ 金榜題名!4
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學測英文該如何準備?讓過來人教你如何馳騁考場~ 金榜題名
北一女中 陳O學測英文滿級分,優異的表現令Lion & Lion全體師生與有榮焉。

   我非常享受在 Lions English 學習英語的時光。記得每一次放學後和和小夥伴們有說有笑的一起到英文班和外師聊天,老師會透過英文遊戲、桌遊等方式讓我們沈浸在英文環境中。那時學習英文,更像是在放鬆的玩樂,然而卻在不知不覺中奠定了我的英語發音與語感基礎。

   小學二年級的時候,我參加英語說故事比賽,經過多次老師們的指導和練習,我得到了校內冠軍,並在上海與來自中國的孩子們比決賽贏得了決賽冠軍,真的很感謝Lions English的老師們和我當時的外國老師都一直在幫助我,不論是陪伴我練習語調的抑揚頓挫或是發音的準確度,他們的用心栽培讓我得已在小學二年級就體會到了別人難以獲取的經驗。


    小時候我都很期待萬聖節、聖誕節或是世界地球日等節日所舉辦的活動,外師會扮成聖誕老公公和小朋友互動、說英語,還有很多用英文演戲、跳舞的機會,這些都讓我能夠學習英文,同時認識西方文化,輕鬆的氛圍真的讓我度過了很美好的國小時光。那時練就的英文發音和語感都對於我現在的高中生活在學習英語的過程中有顯著的幫助,學習文法時也因為已經有語法概念所以不用死記。很喜歡那段快樂學英語的時光,Lions English 帶給我的不只是英文的提升,更是一段很美好的童年記憶。

   I really enjoyed the time I spent learning English at Lions English . I can clearly remember the time when I could happily go to the English class with my peers after school and chatted with the foreign teachers in English class. The teachers would immerse us in an English-speaking environment through English activities and board games.

   I feel I was having fun in learing English at that time rather than studying it under pressure, but it actually laid the foundation for my English pronunciation and language ability unconsciously. In the second grade of elementary school, I participated in an English storytelling competition introduced by the teachers. After many rounds of guidance and practice by the teachers, I won the champion in the school and the final champion in Shanghai, China, competing with children from China. I am really grateful for the help of the teachers at Lions English and the foreign teachers who helped me practice my intonation and pronunciation accuracy. Their dedicated teaching allowed me to experience something that others couldn’t undergo at the same age as me.

   After entering junior high school, the pressure of academic study increased. After school, I had to attend cram school classes for subjects such as math and chemistry, and many of my classmates also attended English cram schools. However, these cram schools usually do not focus on improving pronunciation and conversation skills. Instead, they focus on improving grammar and vocabulary in response to the English test format of the school. Therefore, it is difficult to practice pronunciation and conversation skills. Now, the pressure of my senior high school studies is even more overwhelming, and my club activities also occupy a large part of my time. I have few opportunities to continue enhancing my language ability and pronunciation. My current English pronunciation practically is trained from chatting with foreign teachers during my elementary school and kindergarten years.

    When I was a child, I always looked forward to the activities held during festivals like Halloween, Christmas, and Earth Day. Foreign teachers would dress up as Santa Claus and interact with children while speaking in English. There were also many opportunities to act and dance in English, which allowed me to learn English while getting to know Western cultures. The relaxed atmosphere of Lions English allowed me to have a memorable time in elementary school. The English language ability and pronunciation I acquired back then significantly helped me in the process of learning English in high school. It was not necessary to memorize grammar rules because I have already had a concept of them. I really liked that happy time of learning English. Lions English not only improved my English but also gave me a wonderful childhood memory that would be remembered forever.